Dining Cryptographers in Golang
Say you are out for dinner with a bunch of coworkers and salaries come up. You’ve heard rumours that some people get paid more than X per year at your company. You’re curious whether anyone at the table is in this elite group, but naturally people don’t want to reveal their salaries.
Is there a way to find out without revealing who it is? David Chaum raised a version of this question in the 1980s - calling it the Dining Cryptographer’s Problem (DC) and developed an elegant protocol to do it. It’s a fascinating example of one of the earliest secure multiparty computation protocols. Let’s take a look at how it works.
We’re basically asking whether (\(cs\) = coworker’s salary)
\[{cs}_{1} > X || {cs}_{2} > X || ... || {cs}_{N} > X\]evaluates to true and we want each input to the OR to remain private, hence secure computation.
The steps to achieve this are as follows, using 3 coworkers as an example:
Each pair of coworkers get a random bit. For example, they each do a coin flip \(r_{1}, r_{2}, r_{3}\) with each other such that we end up with \(C_{1} = r_{2}, r_{3}, C_{2} = r_{1}, r_{3}, C_{3} = r_{1}, r_{2}\)
Each coworker broadcasts a secret share depending on their salary, say for \(C_{3}\) this would be:
\[B(salary, X) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (r_{1} \oplus r_{2}) & salary \leq X \\ \neg(r_{1} \oplus r_{2}) & salary \geq X \end{array} \right.\]\(C_{3}\)’s salary is secret because we’ve effectively performed a one time pad encryption on the bit of information they are trying to protect. The broadcasted value \(B_3\) is \(B = S \oplus R\) where the key \(R\) is the randomness from the two partner-shared bits.
Each coworker can then assemble the secret shares and “decrypt” by computing: \(B_{1} \oplus B_{2} \oplus B_{3}\). Its clear than in the case where all coworkers have salaries less than X, we get \((r_{1} \oplus r_{2}) \oplus (r_{2} \oplus r_{3}) \oplus (r_{1} \oplus r_{3}) = 0\). Say \(C_{3}\) has the high salary, then we get \(\neg(r_{1} \oplus r_{2}) \oplus (r_{2} \oplus r_{3}) \oplus (r_{1} \oplus r_{3}) = \neg(r_{1} \oplus r_{2}) \oplus (r_{1} \oplus r_{2}) = 1\). It doesn’t matter which coworker has the high salary (we could just relabel them), we’ll always get 1. However only one coworker can transmit information at a time, otherwise that reduction will no longer be true.
Here’s some Golang code illustrating the idea (\(C_{2}\) has the high salary):
package main
import (
type Coworker struct {
id int
salary int
recv []chan int
send []chan int
func InitCoworker(
id int,
salary int,
recv []chan int,
send []chan int) *Coworker {
return &Coworker{
id: id,
salary: salary,
send: send,
recv: recv,
func (c *Coworker) RunDCNet(ctx context.Context, highSalary int, seeds []int) {
// Don't care about the order, just aggregate receiving values.
agg := make(chan int)
for _, ch := range c.recv {
go func(subch chan int) {
for msg := range subch {
agg <- msg
toAnnounce := seeds[0]
for _, s := range seeds[1:] {
toAnnounce ^= s
// Default to sending r1 ^ r2
// if high send ~(r1 ^ r2)
if c.salary >= highSalary {
toAnnounce ^= 1
// Announce our secret share
go func() {
for i := 0; i < len(c.send); i++ {
c.send[i] <- toAnnounce
// Gather secret shares and "decrypt"
highSalaryExists := toAnnounce
for i := 0; i < len(c.recv); i++ {
highSalaryExists ^= <-agg
fmt.Println("coworker", c.id, "high salary exists", highSalaryExists)
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
highSalary := 100
var seeds = make([]int, 3)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
seeds[i] = rand.Intn(2)
// c1 -- c2
// \ /
// c3
var backingChannels []chan int
for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
backingChannels = append(backingChannels, make(chan int))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
c1 := InitCoworker(0, 10,
[]chan int{backingChannels[0], backingChannels[1]},
[]chan int{backingChannels[2], backingChannels[3]})
c1.RunDCNet(ctx, highSalary, []int{seeds[1], seeds[2]})
go func() {
c2 := InitCoworker(1, 110,
[]chan int{backingChannels[2], backingChannels[4]},
[]chan int{backingChannels[0], backingChannels[5]})
c2.RunDCNet(ctx, highSalary, []int{seeds[2], seeds[0]})
go func() {
c3 := InitCoworker(2, 10,
[]chan int{backingChannels[3], backingChannels[5]},
[]chan int{backingChannels[1], backingChannels[4]})
c3.RunDCNet(ctx, highSalary, []int{seeds[0], seeds[1]})